Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Baptism Pictures

If you haven't already voted on which character Cecilia resembles, use the poll on the left side of the blog. It's a close race, with mogwai just edging out Campbell's Soup Kid and Ewok.

Here are some more pictures from Cecilia's and Ryan Etter's baptism. These are just a few of the best. To see many more, click here.

Getting Cecilia dressed

Kate and Justin being affectionate

The ladies on their way into the church

Suit or no suit, I'm a stay-at-home dad

Cecilia doesn't appreciate Ryan eating her dress

Father Tom is either still baptizing Cecilia a half hour after the service, or he's fixing her hair

What a wonderful family

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You and Meg have such a beautiful family, Joel. :) We miss all of you everyday.