Friday, February 29, 2008

The Green Dad

Last summer I decided to take small breaks from being a stay-at-home dad and return to the workforce, if only for a few hours at a time. I hired Jen, our babysitter, to come over three afternoons a week so I could help Megan and RSI Kitchen & Bath research green building and how RSI could become a part of the green building market. I was overwhelmed by how much I didn't know, and reached out to people in the green community, both locally and nationally, to help me so that RSI could in time help them. Green builders and environmentalists have been the most helpful and giving of their time than any group I have worked with. With plenty of support, Megan and I began to wrap our heads around green building and what RSI needed to do to support and encourage it. Through the process, I got to know people all over the country who have begun to send people my way who have questions when it comes to green kitchens and baths. One national website that I used extensively in my own research,, recruited me to write for their green building site,, as their kitchen and bath guy.

Yesterday my first article was published - it's currently the top article on You can also view it here

Click on my name and you'll get a bio and pic. They'd like me to write 1-2 times a week, so bookmark or subscribe to greenbuildingelements and check back often if it's a subject you are interested in. Also, if anyone has story ideas for me, send me an email or leave a post here. I'll be writing about kitchen and bath issues that deal with health, energy efficiency, and environmentalism.

This doesn't mean I will be giving up on being STL Homeboy. In fact, a stay-at-home dad blog out of New Zealand called DIY father is publishing some of my content (with my permission, of course.) Here's a link to one of my stories they published: They also want me to do a podcast for them, but first I need to figure out exactly what that is.

So that's what's going on over here. Oh yeah, I'm also raising two kids. If it seems like a lot, it is, but I'm happy that I'm doing something(s) that involves writing.

(Wow, that's a lot of links up there)


Anonymous said...

You are my hero !!! Can't wait to see you and brag about all your accomplishments in person over many drinks on the beach! Love you lots

Anonymous said...

O MY GOODNESS! This is you, Joel Bittle,...this is Marla from S.I. I am on line looking for 'green info' and I came across this article and then your blog.....HOW FUN IS THAT? I was up late trying to read all these wonderful stories.......and now I can know a little about what you are up to......:-)

I hope you are well and please say HELLO to Meg and the girls......when will you be out to California again? I am still laughing at how I came across your blog and now just wanted to say HELLO!!!!

take good care....peace.

Joel Bittle said...

MARLA!!! How are you, my friend? We miss you so much and can't wait to come and see you soon. Megan sends her love. I'm hoping to bring the girls out this summer some time. Until then take good care of yourself.