Three kids. One dad.
Shrek: How did this happen?
Puss: Allow me to explain. You see, when a man has a certain feelings for a woman, powerful urge sweeps over him.
Shrek: I know how it happened! I just can't believe it.
Donkey: How does it happen?

Probably a more appropriate quote:
Brody: You're going to need a bigger boat.
Are we crazy? Certifiable. But while there are readers out there I'm sure who are glad they are not me at this moment, I'm not too worried about what's coming because I'm sure it will be both difficult and wonderful, both in ways I can't predict. Clara and Kate will be in school, and we'll bring in some help for me when I need a break. Besides, Clara will be four years old, plenty old enough to babysit.
I will say that women who have the luxury of a stay-at-home husband have it made. Women love babies, and if they can keep popping them out and then go to work, happily whistling "whistle while you work," then why not? To be fair, she's the one that has to go through all the bodily changes.
Since Megan and Michelle have had babies number one and two around the same time, Michelle sent Megan a pregnancy test last December to announce that Michelle was pregnant, warning Megan that she better check. About two months later, Michelle got Megan's reply in the mail, a positive pregnancy test. Shows you how competitive Megan is. Now, when the Bittles and the Etters go to dinner, we need a table for ten.
Michelle, the next time you get the urge to have another baby, buy a Playstation 3 instead. We could use one of those.
Wow! Congratulations! I guess a fishing trip this fall is out of the question??? I wonder if you can get a Passport for a "pre-born"?
No, Ron, a fishing trip this fall is not out of the question. It is in the question. Way in the question.
Just wanted to say hi. My wife found your blog and forwarded it to me.
I am a SAHD in Minnesota and we are getting ready to move down to the St. Charles area.
You're giving me another baby!? What a wonderful way to show you love me.
But I need to come see the two you already have. I'd love to come visit you all soon. And see Megan too! I keep missing her.
Say hello to those little girls for me.
Congratulations to you both.
How wonderfully exciting! We highly recommnend three kids (especially if they happen to be all girls!). We will keep you close in our prayers.
Rosemary & co.
PS I was reminded of your blog about older children getting the lion's share of our attention when I saw survey results on a TV morning show. The results are in: oldest children get 30 percent more of our attention!
Congratulations! Maybe this one will look as cute as me too! haha
I'm so happy for you guys. I'll come babysit any day!
Love, Annarose
Joel! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and your family. And rather than feeling glad that I'm not you, I'm actually pretty jealous. I'd like nothing more than to have lots of little ones and stay home with them. Doesn't look like that's going to happen though; so I'm always so happy that other people are getting the chance to do it.
PS. Love the Shrek quotes :)
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for all of you! There's nothing like a scorpion Bittle to keep you on your least that's what my Mom tells me ;-)
Thanks everyone! We're both pretty excited for the chaos that is to come. If Kate knew what was coming she'd be pissed - she likes being the baby.
@Chad - Always nice to meet another stay-at-home dad. Good luck on your move.
@Shauna - More babies to love on and take pictures of!
@Rosemary & Annarose - we could only be so lucky to have a family as great as yours. As for that sibling study, I saw that and actually started to see how some parents fall into giving the older sibling more attention.
@Rebecca - you are welcome to live vicariously through me and this blog any time.
@Danille - You're a scorpio, too? We moody, passionate people have to stick together!
Hey - don't blame me for your wife's competition issues. I told her to keep it together since I was pregnant... but oh no... she had to go and get knocked up too! ;) Nathan & I were just laughing at the fact that the next vacation we go on with you will have to have a house that holds 10 people. What a joke.
We are so VERY excited! Another little Bittle and a new niece or nephew for me! I really am selfish! The kids are jumping for joy for their new cousin to be. We can't wait for camping this summer. This is one visit Meg may be happy to miss, sleeping on the ground while 7 months pregnant.
Kate will be pissed!
You've now joined The Party of Five Club, otherwise known as the Breeders. Throw us in with the Etters and we'll need a table for 15. The Pope would be proud.
Thanks for everyone's nice comments. We're very excited about the new baby, aka "Cosmo" (Clara gave him/her that name last week).
I'm feeling very good, just a little tired (like all parents I guess). We'll find out in a few weeks if it's a boy or girl! Stay tuned...
Congrats on number 3!! I've got three myself (13, 11, 9) and they sure do keep my busy - but I love every minute (well, most minutes)!
Just came across your blog. You mentioned you are a sports nut so I assume you and your wife will be busy preparing to move from a man-to-man defense to zone? :) Congrats!
LOL. This post made me smile. We only had two of our own and that was plenty. Raising the twin granddaughters for a while was work enough too for us.
What a blessing though to have so much love in your family. It's a rare gift.
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