I think it's about time we call it quits, daylight savings time. You've been around my whole life, and I've never had much of a problem with you. Sure, I missed that hour in the Spring, but the extra hour I got in the Fall more than made up for it, especially in college, where I filled that hour with, uh, studying. And then there were those random clocks in everyone's house that were always an hour off because no one knew how to change them. People didn't leave their VCR clocks on the blink because they didn't want to learn how to set them, but because they didn't want to relearn how to set them every six months. And don't get me started about traveling through Arizona.

But now I have kids, and I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have finally achieved the impossible by training all three girls to sleep in long enough in the morning so that they're not waking up at the crack of dawn or sleeping too long and missing school, only to have to change the clocks every six months and start over (Oops! Thanks to the anonymous commenter who corrected me. Daylight savings lasts 8 months.) In the Fall I've got toddlers waking up before 6am, and in the Spring they're still asleep in the back seat on the way to school. Yes, I know it's no different than flying to a different time zone, but that's a temporary shift that is easy to bounce back from.
I know some parents (she knows who she is) who use the weeks leading up to a time change to gradually change the bedtime so little adjustment is necessary, but I'm thinking it's time to get rid of you altogether. Actually, I don't mind if you stick around permanently. But we don't need you and standard time. I'm fine with having more sunshine later in the evening, so if you win out, great. Can we just pick a way to tell time that works the whole year?
I'm sorry to say it but changing the time every six months is archaic, unnecessary, and annoying. Now, I've got to go break some bad news to the Electoral College.